

This tutorial was written for PSP 7 But can easily be modified for PSP 6. This Tutorial uses Fantastic Machines Paint Engine Filter, and the Texture Filter.  Unzip these into your psp plug-ins folder. The PDS file I used for Quackers hat can be downloaded here. Unzip it into your PDS files. This is optional.

Remember Save your work Often!


Lets Begin


Open a new transparent image 500 by 500. Add a new layer and name this layer body. Set your foreground color to a dark gray I am using #808080 Set your background color to white. Using your present shapes tool  Browse to find the teardrop shape With these settings.

Draw a teardrop on your image. Keep in mind this is the ducks body, So make it as fat or as thin as you want the body to be.


Next go to effects, plug in filters, fantastic machine, paint engine and use these settings.


Now we are going to use the retouch tool  with these settings


With short even strokes on your duck body on the outside line pull with your mouse outwards, The shorter the strokes the shorter the fur and same goes with the longer the strokes the longer the fur. Make sure you just go around the outside lines of the body. Here is what mine looks like. I have added a drop shadow to mine for demonstration purposes.


Add a new layer and name this layer head. Using your present shape tool locate the eclipse


Use the same settings as we did on the teardrop shape. Draw a shape for the face of the duck. We want to use the same filters as we did on the body so go to effects, plug in filters, fantastic machines paint engine and use the same settings for the head. We also want to use the push brush again to pull the fur out like we did on the body. Here is what you should have at this point


Kind of looks like a snowman doesn't it lol. Add a new layer and name this layer wing, Going back to your present shape tool this time we use the teardrop again only making sure create as vector is CHECKED. Draw a teardrop shape we are going to edit this node, go to your object selector tool  and right click inside your image and go to node edit, we want to rotate the image to the left so that the point of the teardrop is now to the left side like this

Now we want to add two nodes to the top side near the point of the teardrop like this

To do this make sure you have clicked on node edit and using your Ctrl key on your keyboard move your mouse until you see +add and click to add your node. We are going to pull node number 3

Up and out like this


Pull node number 2 out to the left just a little to round it a bit. When you get your wing the way you want go to layers convert to raster. We are also going to use the plug in fantastic machines paint engine using the same settings as before. We also want to use the push brush again with same settings as before and pull upwards and out all around the wing until you get what looks like feathers similar to this. Yours will NOT have the inner wing at this point we are adding this part next.


Now using your draw tool  Change your background color to Null (off) , Your foreground color should still be set at the Dark gray. Now just draw a semi circle in the center of the wing like the image above. Using your push tool same settings lightly go around the lines to pull the lines outward to give it the feathery look. Keep in mind I have added drop shadows for demonstration purposes. You can chose to add a drop shadow now or we will do that later.

Once you are happy with your wing, Go to edit copy, edit paste as new layer, rename this layer wing 2.  Then go to image mirror and place this wing on the opposite side of the duck. Make sure you pull these TWO layers beneath your body layer. Your layer palette should read from bottom to top starting with layer 1, body, head, wing, and wing 2.

Add  a new layer and name this layer feet.

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This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001