Bunney's Christmas Mouse
Tutorial  Page 3


I believe the hardest part is over lol. Still lots more to do though. Change your background color to a dark green. I am using #146014. Your foreground (styles) color should still be black.

Using your preset shapes tool   Using these settings


Draw a rectangle on the top of your mouse's head like this


Using your object selector tool   right click on the inside of your hat rim and go to node edit. Bring nodes 1 and 2 in to where they are plush to the mouse's head, Then right click on the nodes 1 and 2 and go to node type and chose symmetric


Right click on nodes 3 and 4 and go to node type and chose symmetric, You will also need to take the arrows on these two nodes and bring those in so that its not too rounded. Go to the bottom of your rectangle and using your ctrl key on your keyboard until you see the words add we need to add nodes 5, 6, 7, and 8 at the bottom like this


Now dragging those nodes you just added to where they are rounded at the top of the mouse's head. You may have to turn the arrows  a little to get them set just right, This is what it should look like



Don't worry about what the top part looks like, we will be covering that up a little later. Once you get your hat rim set the way you want it right click again and go to quit node editing and then to layers convert to raster. Rename this layer hat rim. Using your draw tool  your line width needs to be colors should still be set the dark green as your background and black as your foreground (styles) color, now on the edges of your hat rim just draw some simi circles so that it gives it a rounded look, Using both colors like we have it will automatically fill in halfway that's what we want, this is what mine looks like



This image is blown up somewhat so you can see what I am talking about do the same to the other side, and then draw a couple lines in the center like this


Now go to effects, plug-in filters, Fantastic machines, paint engine and use these settings


Add a new raster layer and name this layer stitches. Change your foreground (styles) color to #F6B559 . Use your draw tool with the same settings as before and draw some stitches going about half way in the middle . Then go to blur, gaussian blur and use a radius of 1.00. This is what you should have now



Change your background color to a dark red, I am using #800000. Your foreground (styles) color should still be set on black. Using your preset shapes tool this time we want to use our triangle, with create as vector CHECKED.


Draw a triangle on the top half of the hat rim, using your object selector tool right click on the inside of your hat and go to node edit, right click on all 3 (three) nodes and go to node type and chose symmetric, This rounds all the corners, Now using your ctrl key on your keyboard move your mouse over the bottom line of your triangle till you see the words add, add three nodes spaced evenly at the bottom of your triangle, then using your mouse just bring those up and around the hat rim to give it some shape, like this


Once you have your hat shaped the way you want, right click again and go to quit node editing and then to layers convert to raster, name this layer hat.


Now using your draw same settings as before, your line width needs to be set on 1 (one)  your colors will still be the same the red for the background and black as your foreground (styles) color. Now on the hat draw on the left side a rounded corner going about half way down the hat like this



Don't forget to draw a few lines on your hat also, now go to effects, plug in filters, fantastic machines, paint engine and use the same settings as we have used thru out the tutorial.



Now we are going to add his ears so go to page 4. See getting a bit long huh? But don't give up now we still have lots of work to do;))

Page 4

This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001