Bunney's Christmas Mouse
This tutorial was created in PSP 7. It assumes you have basic knowledge of working with vectors and layers. I will give you a word of warning before you start this tutorial, This is a very long tutorial. So make sure you have lots of time:0) I used Fantastic Machines, Paint Engine tutorial which can be found Here. The image above has been resized considerably due to download time. Your image will be larger and show more detail.
Lets Begin
Open a new 600 by 600 (16.7 Million Colors) transparent image. Yes its large but I like lots of room to work with. It can always be resized later (easier to resize going smaller then resize going larger:)) ) Chose a color for your mouse, I am using a light brown, I know most mice are gray but I wanted something a little different, The color I am using is #EEDBCC. Set your background to this color. Your foreground (styles) color should be set to black.
Using your preset shapes tool
Draw an oval shape for the mouse's head. Like
Remember your image will be much larger. Now
using your object selector tool
using your mouse pull node 1 down like this
Right click again on the inside
of your head and go to quit node editing. Then to layers, convert to raster,
name this layer head. Using your magic wand
The marching ants are still
around the inside area of your head. Change your foreground (styles) color to a
darker brown. I am using #BF896C . Background doesn't matter with this
step. Using your airbrush
while your head is still selected, spray the
darker brown around the edges of your mouse's head like this
Marching ants should still be around your head,
now go to effects, plug-in filters, fantastic machines, paint engine and use
these settings
Now go to selections and select
none. Phew all those steps for his head LOL. I like detail:))) But guess what we
still aren't done yet lol. This time using your retouch tool
Begin pulling the sides of his head to create just a little fur using short even strokes pulling outward. This is what you should have
Change your background color to black, Add a
new raster layer and name this layer eyes. Both foreground (style) and
background colors should now be black. Using your preset shapes tool
Draw a small tear drop shape for his eye like
Going back to your draw tool
Draw a slant line going down the side of his
eye like this
Don't worry if you don't get it the first time use your undo if you have to:)) I did many times;0) Using your draw tool again only this time change your line width to 1 (one) and draw some lines under his eyes like this
Add a new layer, no need to name this layer yet. Change your foreground (styles) color to white. Using your draw tool once again only this time change your line width back to 2 (two) draw two small lines in his eye like this
Now go to effects, Blur, gaussian blur and use
a radius of 1.00. Click ok. Now open your layer palette and place a red x on
your Layer 1 and head layers like this
Make sure your layer 3 or eyes layer is highlighted and then go to layers merge visible, Rename this layer eye. Once you have your eye set the way you want it go to edit copy, edit paste as a new selection and then image mirror and place on the opposite side. You can now take your red x's off to be able to view your layers again. This is what your mouse should look like
Add a new raster layer, using your airbrush
Go to effects, blur and then gaussian blur and use the radius of 1.00. Open your layer palette and place a red x on Layer 1 and your head layer, merge visible the remaining layers and rename this layer eyes. Phew take a deep breath LOL. We will now move on to the next page and work on his mouth:))
This Tutorial ©
Burrow 2001