Bunney's Valentine Kitty Tutorial This tutorial was written in
PSP 7. It has not been tested in other versions of PSP, however, I see no reason
it can not be finished in other versions! I hope you enjoy this tutorial as much
as I have creating it. I guess I am getting a little lazy about creating
tutorials with vectors. Some of you like vectors and others like selections.
Bare with me and I will get back to writing tutorials with vectors. Supplies Needed to finish this tutorial. 1. My selection files. You can download those HERE. 2. Eyecandy 4000. Download demo version HERE. (Note: Not sure if Glass effect needed for this tutorial will work in the demo version or not). This filter is Optional to complete this tutorial! Lets Get Started! 1. Open a new 540 by 540 (16. 7 million color) transparent image. 2. Foreground color black. Background color white. 3. Layers, new raster. Name this layer right wing. 4. Selections, load from disk. Choose rightwing.sel. Click ok. 5. Using flood fill tool 6. Selections, modify, contract by 3. 7. Flood fill with white. 8. Selections, select none. 9. Selections, select all. 10. Selections, float. 11. Selections, invert. 12. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow. Use these settings. 13. Selections, select none. 14. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer left wing. 15. Selections, load from disk. Choose leftwing.sel. Click ok. 16. Repeat steps 5-13. 17. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer right ear. 18. Foreground color black. Background color #8F8F8F. 19. Selections, load from disk. Choose rightear.sel. Click ok. 20. Flood fill with black. 21. Selections, modify contract by 3. 22. Flood fill with #8F8F8F. 23. Selections, select none. 24. Selections, select all. 25. Selections, float. 26. Selections invert. 27. Effects 3D effects, drop shadow. Use same settings as before. 28. Selections, select none. 29. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer left ear. 30. Selections, load from disk choose leftear.sel. Click ok. 31. Repeat steps 20-28. 32. Layers new raster layer. Name this layer rightinnerear. 33. Foreground color black. Background color #DD9790. 34. Selections, load from disk choose rightinnerear.sel. Click ok. 35. Flood fill with black. 36. Selections, modify contract by 3. 37. Flood fill with #DD9790. 38. Selections, select none. (Note: This is all I have done to the inner ear. I did not add a drop shadow to the inner ear). 39. Layers new raster layer. Name this layer left inner ear. 40. Selections, load from disk. Choose leftinnerear.sel. Click ok. 41. Repeat steps 35-38. Your image should now look similar to this. 42. Layers new raster layer. Name this layer Cathead. 43. Foreground color black. Background color #8F8F8F. 44. Selections, load from disk. Choose cathead.sel. Click ok. 45. Flood fill with black. 46. Selections, modify contract by 3. 47. Flood fill with #8F8F8F. 48. Selections, select none. 49. Selections, select all. 50. Selections, float. 51. Selections invert. 52. Effects 3D effects, drop shadow. Use same settings as before. 53. Selections, select none. 54. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer heart. 55. Selections, load from disk. Choose heart. 56. Foreground color black. Background color #800000. 57. Flood fill with black. 58. Selections, modify contract by 3. 59. Flood fill with #800000. 60. Selections, select none. 61. Selections, select all. 62. Selections float. 63. Selections invert. 64. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow. Use same settings as before. 65. Selections, select none. Your image should look similar to this. Go on over to page 2 and we will finish up;))) This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001-02