Bunney's Valentine Kitty Tutorial Page 2 66. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer rightpaw. 67. Selections load from disk. Choose rightpaw.sel. Click ok. 68. Foreground color black. Background color #8F8F8F. 69. Flood fill with black. 70. Selections, modify, contract by 3. 71. Flood fill with #8F8F8F. 72. Selections, select none. 73. Selections, select all. 74. Selections float. 75. Selections invert. 76. Effects 3D effects, drop shadow. Use same settings as before. 77. Selections, select none. 78. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer leftpaw. 79. Selections load from disk. Choose leftpaw.sel. Click ok. 80. Repeat steps 69-77. 81. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer fronthalo. 82. Selections, load from disk. Choose fronthalo.sel. Click ok. 83. Foreground color black. Background color #FDCC02. 84. Flood fill with black. 85. Selections modify contract by 2. 86. Flood fill with #FDCC02. 87. Selections, select none. (Note: I did not add a drop shadow to the halo. I left the halo as is). 88. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer backhalo. 89. Selections load from disk. Choose backhalo.sel. Click ok. 90. Flood fill with black. 91. Selections, modify contract by 1. 92. Flood fill with #FDCC02. 93. Selections, select none. 94. Layers, arrange, send to bottom. Your image should now look similar to this. 95. Highlight cathead layer and add a new raster layer, Name this layer nose. 96. Selections, load from disk, choose nose.sel. Click ok. 97. Flood fill with black. 98. Effects, plug-in filters, Eyecandy 4000, choose glass with these settings. (Optional). 99. Selections, select none. 100. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer eyebrows. 101. Selections, load from disk. Choose eyebrows.sel. 102. Flood fill with black. 103. Selections, select none. 104. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer eyes. 105. Selections, load from disk. Choose eyes. 106. Flood fill with black. 107. Effects, plug-in filter, Eyecandy 4000, choose glass. Use same settings as you used for nose. (Optional). 108. Selections, Select none. Your image should look similar to this. 109. Using draw tool 110. Foreground color black. Background color null. 111. Draw a straight line going down from your kitty's nose. Similar to this. 112. Foreground color black. Background color black. 113. Preset shapes tool 114. Draw a small oval shape down at the bottom of the line that you just drew, similar to this. 115. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer cheeks. 116. Foreground color #DD9790. Background color null. 117. Airbrush tool 118. Spray some cheeks on your kitty's face similar to this. 119. Effects, blur, gaussian blur. Use these settings. 120. Layers new raster layer. Name this layer whiskers. 121. Foreground color black. Background color null. 122. Using draw tool 123. Draw some whiskers on your cat on both sides of his cheeks. Your image should now look similar to this. 124. Layers, merge visible. You
can now tube your image or add text to your valentine heart. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating him for you. As always if you have any questions or I have left something out or something is unclear, please don't hesitate to email me at kitchel@isponline.net and I will answer all email as soon as possible! Please do not remove, nor link to any of these images. They are the sole property of ©Bunney's Burrow 2001-2002. This tutorial was created on January 06, 2002 and any other tutorial resembling this one in any way are merely coincidental. This tutorial was inspired by an image my daughter received from one of her friends. I revised it a bit and thought it would be neat trying to recreate this image in psp. Thank you! Please visit Bunney's Burrow while you are here for other tutorials! This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001-02