Cooky This tutorial was written in PSP 7 using vectors. You will also need Fantastic Machines Paint Engine Filter which can be downloaded here.
Lets Begin Remember to save often!
Open a new 600 by 600 transparent (16.7 Million Colors) image. This is rather large but we can always resize later. Your foreground (styles) color should be black, your background color should be purple or a color you want for your spider. I am using #800080. Using your preset shapes tool with these settings About half way down your image, Draw an oval shape for your spiders body like this. Your image will be larger and have more detail this one has been resized for download time. Go to filters, plug-ins, Fantastic Machine, Paint Engine and use these settings Using your retouch tool with these settings And begin pulling outward around your spiders body to create some fur. Your finished body should look similar to this. Change your background color to black so that your foreground (Styles) color and background colors are both black. Add a new raster layer and name this layer legs. Using your draw tool With these settings Locate the center as best you can of your spiders body and begin to draw a small line going up like this Now draw another line going down to create a joint for the legs like this Don't worry that this layer is on top of your spiders body, We are going to move that after we get the legs drawn. Continue drawing legs like this on both sides of the spider till you get something like this Now we need to drag this layer all the way to the bottom of our layer palette so that the legs are up under the body.
Add a new raster layer and name this layer feet. Change your background color back to the purple or color you used for your spiders body. I am using #800080. Going back to your preset shapes tool use your ellipse shape as we did on your spiders body only change the settings this time to Draw a small oval shape for his feet. Keep in mind that when you draw your oval shape its not going to match up the way we want it to so you will have to use your mouse to rotate it. To do this move your mouse over the inside of your oval shape until you see two arrows. Then rotate it where it is just under the spiders leg. Now go to your object selector tool and right click on the inside of your foot and go to object selector, We are just going to bring the bottom node up You just want your bottom flat. When you get thru editing the foot right click again and go to quit node editing. The to layers convert to raster. I added an inner bevel to mine using eye-candy, This is optional. You may wish to use PSP inner bevel to add a bevel. That's up to you:0) Now you can edit copy edit paste as a new selection and place the feet on the rest of the spiders legs. The feet on the right side you will need to go to image mirror to get those where you need them. This is what you should have at this point. To finish our spider up go to page 2. We will add the eyes and facial features there.