Bunney's Snowglobe Tutorial

Page 2

Change your background color to an orange. I am using #E3862B. Foreground (styles) Color should still be set at black.  Using your preset shapes tool this time we want to use our triangle with these settings 

Draw a triangle shape for the snowman's nose. Rotate it with the curved arrows you get when you move your mouse over the inside of the triangle rotate it one line over like this

Your probably wondering why I just had you to do that? LOL To me the one side looked longer then the other even though the triangle are all the same size lol. Just me I guess LOL. Anyway, going to your object selector tool right click on the inside of the triangle and go to node edit. On node three right click and go to node type and chose symmetric. Do nothing more to node three (3). Now go to nodes one (1) and two (2) and bring those nodes in toward each other like this

Once you have those nodes set where you want them right click on each one and go to node type and chose symmetric on both. This will round it for  you. Now right click and go to quit node editing. Once you have the nose the way you want it go to layers convert to raster and name this layer nose. Go to selections select all then selections float. The marching ants should now be around your nose only. Go to effects 3D effects cut out and use these settings

 Add a new layer and name this layer lines. Using your draw tool same settings as before. Draw a few lines going down the bottom  part of his nose. Curve them just a little. Go to blur, gaussian blur and change the settings to 1.00. Your image should now look similar to this

Merge visible all layers and rename this layer face. Now would be a good time to save. Nothing more aggravating then getting so far and PSP crashing on you. During this tutorial it has already happened to me 3 times *S* So don't forget to save often. Add a new raster layer name this layer body. Then go to layers arrange and send to bottom. Using your preset shapes tool going back to your ellipse shape with these settings 

Foreground (styles) color should still be black. Your background color needs to be white. Draw a body for your snowman. Make sure you leave room at the bottom for his feet. Move your layer around if you have to. Now go to selections, select all and then selections float. Add a new raster layer and name this layer image. Make sure you leave your marching ants on the snowman. Open up the image you want to use into psp. I am using the scooby doo one I provided for you at the beginning of the tutorial. Make sure this image is highlighted and go to edit copy, then click back on your snowman and go to edit paste into selection. This is what you should have

Make sure you keep the marching ants,  then go to selections modify expand by 1 (one). Add a new layer and name this layer globe. Open up the psp image of your globe smtut5 image. You can download that here.  Highlight this image and go to edit copy, then highlight back on your snowman and go to edit paste into selection, we need this layer above the image layer so open your layer palette and drag the globe layer above your image layer. This is what you should have

Go to selections select none. Do NOT merge layers at this point because we need these layers when we animate the snow at the end of this tutorial:0) Open your snowglobe gold image you saved at the beginning of this tutorial. We need to change our background color to this gold pattern fill. To do this click on the arrow on your background layer and go click on the one with the dots on it

Then browse till you find your snowglobe gold image. On your layer palette make sure your globe layer is highlighted. (Do NOT add a new layer because using vectors will create this new layer for you). Using your preset shapes tool using your ellipse shape with the same settings as before only make sure that create as vector IS CHECKED!!! Now right up under the snowman's head draw an oblong shape similar to this

Use your object selector tool and right click on the inside of the scarf. Go to node edit and on one of the end nodes until you see an arrow, Drag this arrow up and the bottom of the arrow down. and curve it around the top of your snowman's head do the same to the other side end of the node.

Once you have it shaped the way you want it right click again and go to quit node editing. Then to layers convert to raster. Go to selections, select all then selections float.  Go to effects 3D effects cut out and use these settings

 Name this layer scarf. You should have something similar to this

Change your background color back to white. Foreground (Styles) remains black. Use your preset shapes tool once again and using your ellipse shape draw an oblong shape for his arm like this 

Move your mouse over the inside of the oblong circle till you see the two rounded arrows. Rotate the arm to the right so that it fits just under the head. Then go to layers convert to raster and name this layer arm. Open your layer palette and drag this layer all the way to the bottom of your layer palette.

Now go to selections, select all then selections float. Marching ants should now be around the arm. Go to effects, 3D effects, cut out and apply these settings

Go to selections, select none. Then go to edit copy edit paste as a new selection then image mirror and place on the opposite side of the snowman's body. Now would be a good time to save. This is what you should have

Starting to take shape huh? LOL. Move on over to page 3.

Page 3

This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001