Bunney's Trick or Treat Halloween

Cat Tutorial

Page 2


Add a new layer and name this layer bag front. Go to selections, load from disk and locate your bagfront.sel file and click ok. Your foreground (styles) color should still be set at black, change your background color to an orange for your bag. I am using #D77F29. Flood fill with the black and go to selections, modify, contract by 3 and flood fill again with your orange. For the front of the bag I have used my texturizer filter, you can download the psd file here if you wish to use the texturizer filter for this step You will also need the filter Texture, Texturizer that I have zipped for you in the beginning of the tutorial:0) This filter needs to go into your psp plug-ins folder.

If you have chosen to use the texturizer filter then go to effects, plug-ins, texturize, texturizer, and apply the PSD flur this just gives your trick or treat bag a little texture, but feel
free to use another one if you like:0)


Add a new layer and name this layer bag side, go to selections, load from disk and locate your bagside.sel file, click open and flood fill again with black and go to selections, modify, contract by 3, flood fill again with orange and use the same psd flur if you chose to use that one:0)


Now again add a new layer and name this layer bag top, go to selections, load from disk and locate your bagtop.sel file and click open, on this one you just need to flood fill it with black and go to selections, select none.


Add yet another layer, I know I use a lot of layers but that's just incase a mistake was made you don't have to go back and redo the entire thing, Add a new layer and name this layer words, Unless you would like to add your own words, I have added the Trick or Treat words for you. So open your words.sel file and click open, I just flood filled this with black and clicked selections, select none. If you wish you can add a drop shadow to your words at this time. That's up to you , I have added a slight drop shadow to mine:))


Ok, add a new layer once again lol and name this layer bag handles, locate your baghandle.sel file and click open flood fill with black and go to selections, modify, contract by 2 this time instead of 3. Flood fill with your orange once again. You can also add a drop shadow if ya wish or an inner bevel, I have added a drop shadow to mine.  Your Halloween Cat should look something like this at this point:))





Looks funny with no face doesn't she? LOL.. We are going to add that next:)) So add (yes you guessed it ) add a new layer and name this layer whiskers. Go to selections, load from disk, and locate your whiskers.sel file and click open, flood fill this with black only. You can add a drop shadow here if you wish also, I have used a drop shadow by going to effects, 3D effects, drop shadow and use these settings, these are also the same settings I have used for all my drop shadow settings.



Again, add a new layer and name this layer nose, go to selections, load from disk, and locate your nose.sel file click open. Flood fill with black only once again. Apply a drop shadow if you wish. I used the same settings as above for my nose.


Ok getting tired of layers yet?? sorry But I like using layers, hehe. Again add a new layer and name this layer eyes, yes I even have the eyes as a selection file:0)  Go to selections, load from disk, and locate your eyes.sel click open and flood fill with black and again add the same drop shadow. Starting to take shape huh? LOL. Your cat should now look something like this.


We are almost done, If you would like to add the bow and hat, move on over to page 3.


Page 3

This tutorial © Bunney's Burrow  2001