Bunney's Fallen Snowman Page 2 Add a new raster layer and name this layer blade.
Using your draw tool If you are not steady with drawing using the freehand line. You may want to chose the single line to do this step. Now draw a line going slanted down the bottom of your snowman's foot like this. Draw a small hook on the end like this. Keep in mind that if you changed your line to single line you will have to change it back to freehand line to draw the hook part *S*. This is what you should have. I added the eye candy glass effect to my blade but that's up to you. It just made it a little shiny. I have added a drop shadow to my blade but this is optional. Now once you have your blade the way you want it, open your layer palette and duplicate this layer and then go to image mirror and place on the other side of his foot. This is what you should have. Add a new raster layer and name this layer head.
Using your preset shapes tool Make sure you change your background back to white and foreground should still be set on black. Draw a ellipse for your snowman's head. Now go to selections, select all, selections float. The marching ants will be around your head. Go to effects, 3D effects, cut out and use the same settings as before. Apply another cut out effect only change the
vertical and horizontal to a 3 (three). Add a new raster layer and name this
layer shadow use your airbrush tool Open your layer palette and place an x on these layers Merge visible the layers remaining and rename this layer head. You can take the x's off the layers now so that you can view those;)) Now using your preset shapes tool again we are going to draw the arms. Use these settings. We don't want to add another layer this time because we will be working with vectors and vectors create their own layers. So using your preset shapes tool draw an oval oblong shape for the snowman's arm. Move your mouse over the inside of your vector
shape till you see the two arrows. Take the arrow and rotate it to the left. Now
using your object selector tool Now place an x over these layers Merge visible the remaining layers and rename this layer arm. Now go to selections, select none. Make sure you are on your arm layer and duplicate this layer and then go to image mirror and place on the other side of your snowman's body. Your snowman should now look something like this. Lets move on over to page 3. This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001