"Elfie" A cute little Elf Tutorial By Bunney Page 5 Add a new layer and name this
layer feet. Your foreground (styles) color still needs to be set at black, Your
background color needs to be changed to a brown I am using #946952. Using your
preset shapes tool Draw a teardrop shape for the foot like this Now for the tricky part use your
draw tool I Blew this shot up so you can see a little more detail as to what I am talking about, I have also taken my draw tool and add the lines shown above. Don't forget to add the same black airbrush around the foot as we have done before. When you get your foot the way you want it go to edit copy, edit paste as a new layer and then image mirror and place on the other side of his leg like this Looks funny with no arms huh? LOL.
Well we are going to add those next. Add a new raster layer, name this
layer arms, Using your preset shapes tool Make sure your foreground (styles) color is still set at black, change your background color to the same red you have used for your elf. I am using #C00000. Now draw a small rounded rectangle for his arm. Remember how you added those stripes again?? Don't forget to do that to the arms. Move this layer to the bottom of your layer palette. We will also need to rotate this arm so that it's not sticking out we want it to be up. To do this go to image rotate and use these settings Sometimes when things are rotated it loses some detail to fix this go to effects, sharpen, sharpen. This brings the detail back out. Once you get that done, go to edit copy, edit paste as a new selection, image mirror and place on the opposite side of your elf like this Now we need to add some hands. Not to much more to go;)) Change your background color to the peach/pink you used for his head I am using #EDB39B. Using your preset shapes tool once again this time we need to use the ellipse shape create as vector needs to be checked. Now draw a circle for the hands like this Now see those two boxes in the
middle of the circle, using your mouse run the mouse over those boxes till you
see a curved arrow, we need to rotate it just a little to the left. Then using
your object selector tool Once you have the hand set the way you want it, right click on the inside of the hand again and go to quit node editing, then to layers convert to raster and name this layer hand. Now to add him some fingers, ok remember how we did the feet?? Well we are going to do the hands the same way. Draw a couple round circles play around with this part to get them the way you want them, Don't worry this make take a couple tries, hopefully you will do better then I did the first several times LOL. Here is what my hand looks like Remember yours will be larger and show more detail, I have already added the black around the hand like we have done thru out the entire tutorial so don't forget to do that. Once you are done with the hand go to edit copy, edit paste as a new selection , then image mirror and you should now have something similar to this make sure this layer is at the top of your layer palette otherwise you will not be able to see the hands lol. Now to add the suspenders. Add a new raster layer and name this layer suspenders. Change your background color to the red I am using #C00000. Using your preset shapes tool this Make sure you are using the ellipse shape with create as vector CHECKED. Now draw an oval shape going down the front of his shirt Make sure this layer is also on top of your layer palette so you can see what your doing. I know sometimes these layers may get confusing or at least they do to me LOL. Hopefully I haven't confused anyone. You need to pull the bottom node up to the top of his pants like the image below then pull the arrow out to the sides as shown. The top node needs to be brought down to just under his chin and then done the same way you did the bottom node. Once you get the suspender the way you want it right click again on the inside and go to node edit and then quit node editing, The layers convert to raster. Name this layer suspenders, go to edit copy, edit paste as a new selection and then image mirror place on the opposite side this is what you should have Now just take your preset shapes tool using the ellipse and draw a small circle at the bottom of the suspenders for a button like this You are now done with your Elfie. However
if you would like to add the lights if you will go on over to my Christmas
Lights Tutorial you can create your own Christmas lights or if you would
like to use my tubes I have zipped up for you at the beginning of the
tutorial then feel free to do so. This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001