"Elfie" A cute little Elf Tutorial By Bunney Page 2 Add a new raster layer and name
this layer mouth. Your foreground (styles) color and background colors both
should be set on black. Using your preset shapes tool Using your object selector tool Once you have your mouth the way you want it right click again on the inside of the mouth and go to quit node editing. Then to convert this layer to raster. Name this layer mouth. Change your background color to a dark pink or red for his tongue. I am using #FF8080. Using your preset shapes tool, same settings only create as vector does NOT need to be checked. Draw a small circle on the inside of his mouth for his tongue like this Not to bad so far huh? LOL Now we
are going to add his eyes. Add a new raster layer and Using your draw tool Draw two small slants in the opposite directions for his eyes like this Still using your draw tool same settings draw a smile going over the top of his mouth Your elf will not have the
colored cheeks yet. Also with your draw tool draw a small curved line below the
mouth as shown above. Add a new raster layer and name this layer cheeks, change
your foreground color to a dark pink or red I am using #D6594D Using your
airbrush tool Now spray some cheeks on your elf like this This is what you should have this far. Move on over to page 3 and we will add his hat and hair.
This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001