"Elfie" A cute little Elf Tutorial By Bunney
This tutorial was written in PSP 7, Could probably be revised for other versions of PSP, however you will have to create your own vector shapes that I used here. I have also created the lights I used in this tutorial, Those can be downloaded Here, or you can create your own using this tutorial Here.
Lets Get Started
Open a new 700 by 600 16.7 million color transparent image. Yes its large but you can always resize later. Always remember to save often! Set your foreground (styles) color to black your background color should be red, I am using #C00000. Using your
preset shapes tool Now draw a teardrop shape for the elf's body like this Remember your image will be
larger and show more detail as this one has been resized for download time;0)
Now using your selection tool We are now going to add the stripes for his outfit. So take your selection tool and go draw a small rectangle toward the top of your elf's body like this Now using your magic wand Now go to selections, modify, contract by 1 (one) and change your foreground (styles) color to white and flood fill this area with white, You will need to do this alternating down halfway down his body so that you will have stripes. This is what you should have now. Make sure the bottom part is left red, We need that for his pants. You may have a better or easier
way of doing this but for me this is how I add those stripes, A little extra
work I know but worth it in the end. :0) Your stripes may be placed a little
differently then what is shown above;)) Change your background color to a
light peach or pink. I am using #EDB39B. On your preset shapes tool Draw a circle for your elf's
head. We need to edit it just a little so using your object selector tool Once you get your head shaped the way you want it right click again and go to node edit and then quit node editing. Then go to layers convert to raster and name this layer head. Take your draw tool Your foreground (styles) color should still be black and your background should still be set on the peach of pink you are using for your elf's head. Draw a small rounded curve for his chin at the bottom of his head like this. Take your magic wand Foreground color should still be set on black. Now we just want to spray a little black around the outer edges of the elf's head like this Your image will NOT have the
mouth yet. We will add that next;)) Take your preset shapes tool same setting
only create as vector is NOT checked, draw a small ellipse shape for his nose
like this
This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001