Bunney's Reindeer Tag Tutorial
This is a pretty simple tutorial using preset shapes. Never seen a rectangle reindeer?? LOL. Well this was inspired by a craft magazine I have so, I thought this would make a cute tag for Christmas. I used PSP 7 to create this tutorial, I do not see any reason why it can not be created in other version of PSP other then the shapes. I also used Texture Filter which you can download here.
Lets Begin
Open a new 500 by 600 (16.7
Million colors) transparent image. I like working with large images as you have
probably noticed if you have tried my other tutorials. That way we can always
resize them later.
Using your preset shapes tool
Draw a rectangle shape for your reindeers body. Now
using your draw tool
Draw your stitches for the sides of your rectangle body like this
I added a texture effect here, you can do so by going to effects, plug-in filters, Texture, Texturizer, I used the sandstone with these settings
Add a new raster layer and name this layer head. Using your preset shapes tool this time we want to use the ellipse
Draw a circle shape for the reindeers head like this
Going back to your draw tool
Add a new raster layer and name this
layer leg. Using your preset shapes tool
Do the same stitches like we did earlier using your draw tool same settings add the stitches going down the top and sides.
Now using your deformation tool
Open your layer palette and drag your leg layer all
the way below your body layer like this
Now you can edit copy edit paste as a new layer and
then using your deformation tool your second leg you want to rotate it to
the left like this
Do this two (2) more times for the front legs. Place them toward the front of your reindeer like this
Using your preset shapes tool
Draw a small circle shape for the
reindeers tail. This time we need to edit it just a little. Using your object
selector tool
When you get your reindeers tail shaped the way you want it right click again on the inside and go to quit node editing. Then to layers convert to raster and name this layer tail.
Use your draw tool
Now to finish up lets move on to page 2. See this isn't so bad is it?? LOL. This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001