Bumble Bee Boogie


This is a simple yet fun tutorial to learn how to create the bees, sunflowers and the beehive. I hope you enjoy this tutorial as much as I have creating it!  This Tutorial was created in PSP 7, But can be modified in PSP 6. You will have to have the knowledge of using vectors to create the shapes we used here.


Lets Begin


Open a new transparent image  500 by 500. Add a new layer and name this layer bee. You need to set your colors on your color palette. Foreground color should be black and background color should be the color you want your bee to be. I have chosen #F6D058. Now using your present shapes tool . Browse to you teardrop



Use these settings.



Draw a small teardrop shape. Now using your magic wand select only your teardrop bee shape. You may have to go to selections invert to get the marching ants ONLY around your teardrop. Now using your airbrush tool  and these settings


Now Draw your bee some lines similar to this paying particular attention to the stinger



Now You want to add a head. Add a new layer and name this layer head. Using your present shapes tool again we want to use your eclipse make sure create as vector is checked!!


Change your background color to black. So that both foreground and background are black! Draw a small circle keeping in mind this is going to be the bees head so it needs to be fairly small. Using your object selector tool  right click on the inside of your head . And go down to node edit we will be editing this just a small bit. Bring the bottom node up just a tad bit like this



And right click again and go to quite node editing. Now go to layers convert to raster. Now depending upon where you bee is located you may have to flip your head or rotate it.. What we need to accomplish here is getting the head on top of the body like this.


Now he needs some eyes. I just used my draw tool  I used the color red as my foreground background doesn't really matter at this point.. You can barley see the eyes anyway on my example but draw two small dots for the eyes.. I changed the width of my line to 3.

Add a new layer and name this layer feelers. Using your draw tool once again I used the same width and just changed my foreground color back to black and made my background color black. And then I drew two small feelers at the top of the bees head. To get the little dots like I did, I went back to my present shapes tool and chose the eclipse as we did with the head.  You can UNCHECK vectors at this point as you wont be needing them here. Draw two small circles for both the feelers like shown here .


Add a new layer and name this layer wings. Your foreground color should stay at black, but we need to change our background color to white. We need to go back and make sure we CHECK Create as vectors for our wings. We will be using our teardrop like we did for our bees body. Draw a small teardrop and rotate it as necessary .. To Rotate it while you are in your vectors if you move your mouse over the inside node until you get a circular arrow then you can rotate it in any direction. Go to layers convert to raster. Once you get your wing placed where you want it. We want to now go back to our draw tool and draw some black lines on the inside of our wing. Make sure you change your width back to 1 or it will be too large! You background color needs to be null at this point also. Now just draw a line or two on the inside of your wing similar to this


Now go to edit copy and edit paste as new layer. I am placing these all on a new layer so that if you need to change the rotation you can do it on each individual layer. You will need to rotate this one to place below the one you just created. To rotate the next 3 wings I have chosen to use my deformation tool . We are not going to deform it but just use the little arrows as we did before and rotate it to where you want your wings positioned. Continue doing this until you have 4 wings total. Two of your wings will have to be mirrored and placed on the opposite sides of the bee. So go to image mirror. And mirror your wings.


Your bee should look similar to this one at this point!


Now make sure you have your wings placed exactly where you want them and go to your layers palette and place an X on layers 1, head, body, and feelers like this


Merge visible the rest of your layers which should be for your wings And rename this layer wings. Pull the wings layer all the way to the bottom behind the body layer. You now have a bee. I went ahead and merged all my layers at this point excluding layer 1 so that I could move my bee without it falling apart on me for the rest of my scene. You can do that now if you wish!


Now if you would like to make the flowers and the beehive please go to the next page.

Page 2


This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001