~Dipsey Doodle Darlin~ (Thanks Diane for this little ones name) This tutorial was created in PSP 7. I am assuming you have basic working knowledge of PSP. This tutorial works with vectors as well as layers. But hopefully I have created this tutorial for those just beginning to those who are already pros at working with PSP. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email me at kitchel@isponline.net and I will answer all email as soon as possible. These little baby faces where inspired by some fabric I purchased at Wal-Mart. Please do not remove, nor link to any of these images. These images and tutorial are ©Bunney's Burrow 2001-02. No outside filters where used to create this tutorial. Supplies needed to complete this tutorial. 1. My selection file for the baby's face. (Used only if you do not want to manipulate the nodes for this tutorial). Download HERE. (Unzip this into your selection folder in psp, if you do not have one create one now). 2. Preset shapes needed for this tutorial. Download those below. There are a total of three preset shapes needed. One should be included in your psp default. (Unzip these into your preset shapes folder in psp). 1. Teardrop preset shape. Download HERE. 2. Preset shape used for Baby's hair. Download HERE. Lets Get Started! The baby we will be making today is shown below. You are more then welcome to create the other baby's shown in the image above. 1. Open a new 600 by 600 (16.7 Million colors) transparent image. ( This is rather large but I like having lots of room to work with, it is much easier to resize smaller than it is to resize larger *g*). 2. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color a light peach for the baby's face. I am using #F9E2D9. 3. Preset shapes tool
4. Draw a large circle on your 600 by 600 image. I am leaving how large you want to draw the baby's face up to you. This way each baby is an individual that you created. I made mine rather large. 5. Object selector tool 6. Using your CTRL on your keyboard and moving your mouse over the rounded lines until you see the words add. We want to add several nodes because we are going to edit these nodes to create the shape of the face. I have added 15 nodes to my face. The image below shows how I manipulated these nodes into creating the face. If you have problems shaping your face, I have loaded my screen shot in full image as to how I created my baby face. You are more then welcome to use this as a template. That is why I left the screen shot so large. Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time. It took me a while to get the shape of my face the way I wanted it. I did nothing to my nodes except move them and manipulate them to get this shape. On occasion you might have a node that has a curve to it with an arrow hanging over and if this is the case just drag part of the arrow inward till you get it in line. I hope I am clear on this. For those who would not like to try manipulating the nodes, I have a selection file for you to use for the shape of the face. (Note: If you choose the selection for the face you will need to flood fill with black then go to selections, modify contract by 2 and flood fill with your peach color for your face). (The selection file is available at the beginning of this tutorial). Now onward we go lol. 7. Layers, convert to raster. Rename this layer face. (Note: This step is ONLY for those who manipulated the nodes and did not use the selection files). 8. Selections select all. Selections, float. Selections, modify contract by 2. 9. Layers new raster layer. No need to name this layer. This layer is just going to be a cut out effect for the face. 10. Effects 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. Color is #EA9270. 11. Selections, select none. 12. Layers, Merge visible. Rename this layer baby face. 13. Preset shapes tool. Same settings as before. Draw a small oval shape for the baby's ear similar to this. 14. Move your mouse over the inside of the ear where the two nodes are until you see a curved arrow. Rotate your ear to the right and place the ear to the left side of the baby's face similar to this. 15. Layers, convert to raster. Rename this layer left ear. 16. Layers, arrange send to bottom. 17. Selections, select all. Selections float. Selections, modify contract by 2. 18. Layers, new raster layer. No need to name this layer it is only the cut out for the ear. 19. Effects 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. Color is #EA9270. 20. Selections, select none. 21. Open your layer palette
and place an x on your baby face layer. 23. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror and place on the right side of the baby's face. Rename this layer right ear. Your image should look similar to this. 24. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color (this color is for the baby's collar). I am using #FCE0B0. 25. Preset shapes tool same settings as before. Only this time we want to use star 3. Note: The star shown above should be included with your standard PSP preset shapes. 26. Draw a star just under the bottom of the baby's head similar to this. 27. Object selector tool 28. On each of the nodes on your star right click and go to node type and choose symmetric. (note: do this to each node on your star shape). 29. On each of the points of the star click on the node and you will get an arrow. Drag the arrow out just a little to give it a little more rounded shape. Do this ONLY to the points of your star. 30. The remaining nodes that are on the insides of the star points just pull those out just a little being careful not to pull them out to much or it will loose its shape. Your image should look similar to this. You are more than welcome to manipulate the collar to your liking. The way I did this is only one way you may have another way you like better. Use your imagination;)) Move on over to page 2 and we will try to finish up;)) This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001-02