~Dipsey Doodle Darlin~ Tutorial By Bunney Page 2 31. Once you have your collar shaped the way you want it, Right click and go to quite node editing. Then to layers convert to raster and rename this layer collar. 32. This layer should already be below your baby face layer but just in case it's not drag the collar layer below your baby face layer. 33. Selections, select all. Selections, float. Selections, modify contract by 2. 34. Layers, new raster layer. Again no need to name this layer, it is just the cut out effect on the collar. 35. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. Color is #5C421D. 36. Selections, select none. 37. Open your layer palette and place an x on your baby face layer, right ear layer and your left ear layer. 38. Layers, merge, merge visible. (Make sure your collar layer is highlighted). Rename this layer collar. 39. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer dots. 40. Foreground (styles) color should be #5C421D. (Or a color that coordinates your collar). 41. Using airbrush tool 42. Begin spraying dots on your collar. Use your imagination. I also choose white and created more dots using the same settings. My Image looks like this.
43. Preset shapes tool 44. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color white. 45. Draw a teardrop shape for your eye not to large . Mine looks like this. (Note; we are going to manipulate the nodes in the next step so don't worry). 46. Object selector tool 47. Drag your arrow in toward the middle. The two side nodes need to be brought in a little toward the middle also. Your image should now look similar to this. 48. Once you have your eye the way you want it, right click and go to quit node editing. Then to layers, convert to raster. Rename this layer eye. 49. For the inside of the eye, we are going to do the exact same steps as you did for your eye. Just make sure to change your background color to black. Both foreground (styles color and background colors should be black). You want this inner eye to be smaller so that some of the white at the bottom is showing thru on the eye. My image looks like this. Make sure when you have the inside of your eye the way you want it to right click and go to quit node editing and then layers convert to raster. Rename this layer inner eye. 50. Using your airbrush tool 51. Draw a little speck toward the top of the eye similar to this. 52. Open your layer palette and place an x on baby face layer, dot layer, left and right ear layer and your collar layer. Highlight your eye layer and go to layers, merge, merge visible. Rename this layer eye. 53. Layers duplicate. Image mirror and place this eye on the right side of the baby. This is what my baby looks like. 54. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer mouth. 55. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color null. 56. Using your draw tool Don't let the Bezier Curve scare you away, Its really not hard to work with Bezier curves. 57. Draw a slant line going down on the left side of your baby's face. When you pick up your mouse click on the line again you will now see a line with two circles on the end. Pull on of the circles down toward the chin of the baby. Do the same on the other side of the line. This will give your baby cheek a curve. I also did the same going down the right side of the baby's face. This is what my image now looks like. 58. Now draw a straight line going from cheek to cheek. Click on the left side of the line and pull it down. The right side of the line needs to go down and to the right to give the baby a smile. This is what I have now. 59. Add a new layer and do the same thing for the curve of the baby's mouth. This time only drawing a slant line going down next to the curve of the baby's mouth. Your mouth should now look similar to this. 60. Highlight your baby face layer. Go to selections, select all. Selections float. 61. While your baby face layer is still selected add a new raster layer and name this layer baby cheeks. 62. Foreground (styles) color #FFA0AC. Background color null. 63. Airbrush tool 64. Spray some cheeks close to the lines of your baby cheeks that you made earlier. Then go to effects, Blur, gaussian blur with these settings. 65. Selections, select none. 66. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer tongue. 67. On your airbrush tool same settings as you used on the cheeks only change the size to 23. Spray a small area in the baby's mouth using same color. Then go to blur, gaussian blur and change the settings to 3.97. Your baby should look similar to this. 68. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color null. 69. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer eyebrows. 70. Draw tool 71. Draw some eyebrows above your baby's eye. 72. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer shadow. 73. Using airbrush tool 74. Spray just a thin line of pink on top of your eyebrows. Then go to blur, gaussian blur and use the settings of 3.97. This just gives the eyebrow a small hint of pink. 75. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer hair. Now you are probably going to laugh at this next step as to how I did her hair. LOL. You will need a preset shape. The preset shape we will be using for the hair is the letter l (Small L). 76. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color #FDEECD. (Or whatever color you want your baby's hair to be). Your settings for the preset shape are below. 77. Now draw an image like the one below on your baby. Keep in mind this layer will be moved in the next step. Make sure you don't go over to much. You don't want the baby having long hair. 78. Layers, arrange send to bottom. You might have to use your mover tool to move the hair around to get it the way you want it. Your baby should now look similar to this. Note in this screen shot I have added a bow to her hair, You can add a bow or leave her hair as is. 79. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer nose. Layers, arrange bring to top. 80. Draw tool 81. Draw a semi-circle for the nose. Your image should look similar to this. 82. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer nose shadow. 83. Airbrush tool 84. Spray just a hint of pink to your nose like you did with the baby's eyebrows. 85. Effects, blur, gaussian blur. Use a radius of 4.96. Your image should look similar to this.
86. Layers, merge, merge visible. Rename this layer baby. Your image is now finished for tubing in psp or using in a background. I hope you have enjoyed this
tutorial as much as I have creating it for you. As always, if you have any
questions, or something isn't clear to you. Don't hesitate to email me at kitchel@isponline.net
and I will answer all email as soon as possible. Please do not remove these
images or tutorial and claim it as your own. You are more then welcome to use a
text link to this tutorial for learning purposes.
This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001-02