61. Layers, new raster
layer. Name this layer foot bottom.
62. Selections, load from
disk. Choose footbottom.sel. Click ok.
63. Flood fill with black.
64. Selections, select
65. Layers, duplicate.
Image mirror. Move this foot bottom to the right just a little so that it is
lined up with the shoe.
66. Layers, new raster
67. Foreground (styles)
color black. Background color #FFFF40.
68. Draw tool
with these settings.
69. Layers, new raster
layer. Name this layer hair. With your draw tool begin drawing semi-circles next
to the clown's head. (Note: One edge should be straight and the outer edge of
his hair will be curly. This is what you want as the straight edge will be hid
behind the clown's head). This is what mine looks like.
70. Layers, arrange, send
to bottom.
71. Selections, select all.
Selections, float. Selections invert.
72. Effects, 3D effects,
drop shadow. Use these settings. Color is black.
73. Selections, select
74. Layers, duplicate.
Image mirror. Move this side of the hair just under the clown's head.
75. Layers, new raster
layer. Name this layer collar.
76. Foreground (styles)
color black. Background color #000080.
77. Preset shapes tool
with these settings. Flower 5.
78. Draw a flower for your
collar. The size is up to you. Here is what mine looks like. (Note we will be
moving this layer below the head layer next).
79. Open your layer palette
and drag this layer just below the head layer.
80. To add some cuffs to
your clown, follow the above directions for creating the collar, only making the
flowers smaller. I added two cuffs. These layers will need to be just under your
left and right arm layers. This is what mine looks like.
81. Layers, new raster
layer. Name this layer nose.
82. Foreground (styles)
color black. Background color #A40404.
83. Layers, arrange bring
to top.
84. Selections, load from
disk. Choose nose.sel. Click ok.
85. Flood fill with black.
Selections, modify contract by 3. Flood fill with #A40404.
86. Selections, select
none. Selections, select all. Selections float. Selections invert.
87. Effects 3D effects,
drop shadow. Use these settings.
88. Selections, select
89. Layers, new raster layer.
Name this layer eyes.
90. Airbrush tool
with these settings. (Color black).
91. Spray two small dots
for the clown's eyes. Similar to this.
92. Layers, new raster
layer. Name this layer eyebrows.
93. Foreground (styles)
color black. Background color null.
94. Draw tool
with these settings. Draw two curved eyebrows just above the clown's eyes.
95. Layers, new raster
layer. Name this layer lines.
96. Draw tool
change settings to this below.
97. Draw a straight line
going from the bottom middle of the clown's shoe to give him some legs. Then
draw two curved lines similar to below.
You are now finished with your
clown. I have decorated him with some stars, I also added a patch on his shoe
and a flower on his hat. These choices are up to you. Use your imagination, just
make sure that when adding anything that its on a separate layer. Merge visible
all layers when finished and he's now ready for tubing. My final image is
below before adding any extras.
I hope you have enjoyed this
tutorial as much as I have creating him for you! As always, if you have any
questions or something isn't clear, please don't hesitate to email me at kitchel@isponline.net
and I will answer all email as soon as possible. Thank you for trying this
tutorial. This tutorial is the sole property of © Bunney's
Burrow 2001-02. Please do not link to nor remove these images and
claim them as your own. Thank you!
Graphics ©Copyrighted Prestigious Dames & Prestigious
PSP 2002
Tutorials are ©Copyrighted by each Author