"Peek A Boo Bunny"

Page 2

34. Open your layer palette and highlight your head layer. Add a new raster layer and name this layer smile. 

35. This part can be a little tricky as your bunny is side ways. You will have to rotate your smile to where it fits on the bunny's head. Using your draw tool using settings below. Foreground color #808080, background color null. Draw your bunny a smile. 

36. If you need to use your deformation tool to rotate it similar to the image shown below.

37. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer nose.

38. Using your preset shapes tool with these settings below. Draw a heart for your bunny's nose. (Again you may have to use your deformation tool to rotate it to the top of your bunny's smile). 

39. Highlight your head layer and go to selections, select all. Selections float.

40. Add a new raster layer. Name this layer cheeks.

41. Foreground color #CF7D83.

42. Using your airbrush tool with the settings below. Spray two dots right about the smile lines.

43. Effects, blur, gaussian blur. Use these settings.

44. Selections, select none. Your image should look similar to this.

45. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer eyes. You can choose to create your own eyes or use the ones I have provided for you at the beginning of this tutorial. If you use mine, edit copy, then edit paste as a new layer onto your bunny image. (Note: You will also need to rotate them using your deformation tool).

46. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer whiskers.

47. Foreground (styles) color  #202020. Background color null.

48. Using your draw tool with the settings below. Draw some little dots for the whiskers.

49. Change your line width to 2 (two) and draw some eyebrows above the bunny's eye. 

50. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer whiskers 2.

51. Using your draw tool change your line width back to 1 and your line type should be at single line. Draw some whiskers. This is what my bunny looks like.

You are now finished. Merge visible all layers, rename Bunny.
You can now tube your image for later use.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating him for you. As always, if you have any questions or something isn't clear, feel free to email me at kitchel@isponline.net and I will answer all email as soon as possible. While your here please pay a visit to Bunney's Burrow for other fun tutorials.

Bunney's Burrow 

This tutorial was created on February 02, 2002 ©Bunney's Burrow. Do not link to nor remove in part or whole any portion of this tutorial. Have fun creating your own image!
Thank you for visiting!

This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001-02