Hershey Hershal Tutorial Page 2 46. Layers, merge visible. Rename this layer Hershey. (Or what ever you wish to call this little guy lol). 47. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer right arm. 48. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color your silver pattern. 49.
Preset shapes tool 50. Draw a long rounded rectangle for Hershey's arm. Move your mouse on the inside until you see the rounded arrows. Using the arrows turn the arm so that it is similar to the image shown below. 51. Effects 3D effects, inner bevel. Use settings below. 52. Layers, arrange, send to bottom. 53. Layers, duplicate. image mirror. (You can leave the arm in place as is now or you can rotate it to go down toward the bottom like I did). 54. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer leg. We are going to draw the legs the exact same way you did for the arms. Make sure you add the same inner bevel as well. This is what you should have now. 55. Open the hand tubes I have provided for you and place them on Hershey's arms. (Feel free to create your own hands if you wish, I had a hard time making the hands for him as you can see lol). 56. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color #0B3E7F. 57. Preset shapes tool with settings shown below. Draw a oval shape for the shoe. 58.
Using your object selector tool 59. When you get your shoe the way you want it, right click and quit node editing. Layers convert to raster. Rename this layer shoe. 60. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror. 61. Foreground (styles) color black. Background white. 62. Preset shapes tool same settings as before. 63. At the very top of the blue part of the shoe, draw the same exact shape to go over the top part of the shoe. You may have to manipulate it just a little using your object selector tool, to get it to fit like the image shown below. 64. When you have the top of the shoe the way you want it, right click and go to quit node editing. Layers, convert to raster. Rename this layer shoe top. 65. Effects 3D effects, inner bevel. Use same settings as before. 66. Layers, duplicate, image mirror. (You may have to move it just a little to get it to fit over the blue part of the shoe just right). 67. Using your preset shapes tool again, same colors. Draw 6 smaller circles on top of his shoe for shoe laces. Layers convert to raster. Rename this layer shoe laces. 68. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror. Move those to the other shoe. Your image should look similar to this. 69. Preset shapes tool same settings. Using the ellipse. Draw a circle just below the white top part of the shoe.
70. Using your object selector tool right click and go to node edit. Drag the top node down almost to the bottom part of the node like this. 71. Drag the two side nodes to where they are right up against the sides of the shoe like this. 72. Right click and go to quit node editing when you get the front part of your shoe the way you want it. Layers, convert to raster. Rename this layer shoe front. This is what you should have. (Note: The image shown below shows lines on the front of the shoe, yours will not have that at this point. That will be added next). 73. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror. 74. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color null. 75.
Using draw tool 76. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color white. 77. Now for the socks. Using your preset shapes tool this time using rounded rectangle. Same settings, your antialias should be checked and create as vector needs to be checked. Draw a small rectangle for his sock. This should fit right about the shoe. 78. Using object selector tool right click and go to node edit, drag the nodes in and manipulate them to where they fit even with Hershey's leg. Similar to this image shown below. (Note: Your sock will not have the lines as shown below, we will add those next). 79. Foreground (styles) color black. Background null. 80. Using draw tool same settings, draw some lines to shape your sock. Your image should look similar to the one shown above. 81. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror. Make sure this sock is placed above the shoe. This is what my image looks like. Layers,
merge visible. Rename this layer Hershey. You are now finished. You can tube
your image for use later or save as psp file. The choice is yours. I hope you
enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating it for you. As always, have any
questions or something isn't clear, feel free to email me at
and I will be happy to answer all email as soon as possible. This tutorial and
all images are ©Bunney's Burrow 2001-02, please do not remove nor link to the
images. Have fun creating them yourself;0) Feel free to use a text link to this
url for learning purposes only. This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001-02