Bunney's Fallen Snowman Page 5 Add a new raster layer and name this layer eyes.
Make sure create as vector is NOT checked. Using your preset shapes tool Change both foreground (styles) color and
background color to black. Draw a small ellipse shape for the snowman's eye.
Using your deformation tool Your image will not have eyebrows yet. Add a new
raster layer and name this layer cheeks. Change your foreground color to a
light pink or peach color. I am using #EDB0AD. Use your airbrush tool Spray your snowman some cheeks like this Now go to effects, blur, gaussian blur and add a blur with a radius of 12.88. Your snowman should look similar to this. Once again your image will not have the eyebrows.
We will add those next. *S* Now add a new raster layer and name this layer
eyebrows. Make sure this layer is at the top of your layer palette. Go to layers
arrange bring to top if you need to. Change your background color to null. Your
foreground (styles) color needs to be changed back to black. Using your draw
tool Draw your snowman some eyebrows. I added a slight drop shadow to my eyebrows by going to effects, 3D effects, drop shadow and used these settings. Add a new raster layer and name this layer mouth. Using your draw tool again same settings. Draw your snowman a mouth with the lines going under his cheek like this. Change your background color to a light yellow or
brown for your snowman's hair. I am using #FCE0B0. Add a new layer and name this
layer hair. Use your draw tool Make sure your close path is checked for this part. Draw at the top of your snowman's head some loops for his hair. Make sure this layer is just below your hat fur layer so that it peeks out right below his fur on his hat like the above image. Go to selections, select all, then selections float, make sure the marching ants are only around the hair. Go to effects, 3D effects cut out. and use these settings. Apply another cut out effect using the same settings only change the second cut out effect to vertical and horizontal of 1 (one). You are almost done. I added a little patch on the snowman's body. This is optional but to do this add a new raster layer and name this layer patch. Change your background color to a fill or color of your choice. This is the one I am using. Just right click and save as picture to your hard drive open it up in psp. Change your background to pattern fill and browse to find this pattern if you wish to use this one. To do this click on the arrow on your background fill. Then click on the box that has the 9 dots in it. Click again on the actual background box and a window will open up this is where you will browse to find your pattern fill. Click on the one you want and click ok. Using
your preset shapes tool Draw a rounded rectangle on your snowman's body.
Use your deformation tool I only added the one cut out effect. Use your
draw tool Make sure you uncheck your close path. Add a new raster layer and name this layer stitches. Draw some lines going around your patch. I added a slight drop shadow to mine. You are now finished. Merge visible all layers. You can now tube your snowman or save him for later use in a scene. This is what you should now have. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating him for you. As always if you have any questions feel free to email me at kitchel@webworkz.com and I will answer all email as soon as possible. This tutorial was created by © Bunney's Burrow on October 28, 2001. Any other tutorials resembling this one in any way are merely coincidental. Please do not link or remove any of these images from this site. If you would like to use any of my tutorials in a mail group. Please email me. I would be glad to give you permission. I would just like to see who is doing my tutorials;)) Thank you for visiting! This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001