"Diddley Doodle" Doodle Bug Tutorial Page 2 42. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer windshield 2. 43. Selections, load from disk. Choose windshield2.sel. Click ok. 44. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color #FFFF40. (Or choose a color for your hearts that are on the windshield). 45. Flood fill with black. Selections, modify contract by 2. Flood fill with #FFFF40. 46. Selections, select none. Selections, select all. Selections, float. Selections invert. 47. Effects 3D effects, drop shadow. Use these settings. 48. Selections, select none. 49. Open your layer palette and highlight your hood layer. Add a new raster layer. Name this layer tag. 50. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color white. 51. Selections, load from disk. Choose tag.sel. Click ok. 52. Selections, select none. Selections, select all. Selections float. Selections invert. 53. Effects 3D effects, drop shadow. Use same settings as show in # 47 only change the blur to 14.8. 54. Selections, select none. (You can add your own text to the tag or add tubes, The choice is yours). 55. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer inside light. 56.
Using your preset shape tool 57. Selections, select all. Selections float. Selections invert. 58. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow. Use these settings. 59. Selections, select none. 60. Layers, duplicate, image mirror. Your image should look similar to this. 61. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer ring. 62. Using preset shape tool this time using ring with these settings shown below. Draw a ring on the inside of your light on your doodle bug. 63. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror. Place on the other inside of the light. Your image should now look similar to this. 64.
Using your magic wand 65. Selections, modify expand by 1. While still selected add a new raster layer. Name this layer light. (We are going to flood fill this section with the gradient like you used for the windshield). 66. Effects, 3D effects, inner bevel. Use these settings. 67. Selections, select none. 68. Layers, arrange move down. Layers, duplicate. Image mirror. Place on the other light. Now all that is left to do is decorate it. I decorated my doodle bug using the flower # 5 we used earlier for the lights and changed the background to different colors. This is up to you!! I added each of my flowers on a separate layer. When you have your doodle bug the way you want it, merge visible all layers and your image is now ready for tubing or save it as psp file. My finished image is shown below. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating it! As always have any questions or something isn't clear please email me at kitchel@isponline.net and I will answer all email as soon as possible! Thank you! This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001-02