~Christmas Wreath~
This tutorial was written in PSP 7, but can be revised for other versions of psp. I hope you enjoy this tutorial as much as I have creating it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at kitchel@isponline.net . This tutorial was written on December 21, 2001 and is ©Bunney's Burrow. Please do not link to nor remove any images from this tutorial. Have fun creating your own :-). Thank you!
Supplies needed to complete this tutorial! 1. Snowflake and pearl tubes. Download those HERE. (Save these tubes into your psp tubes folder. Open the tube up in psp, go to file export picture tube. You will need to fill in the cells across and cells down. Name the tube the exact name as it is given. You will get a error message about overwriting the file, Click yes, otherwise you will have all the snowflake tubes as one large tube instead of several small snowflake tubes). (Note: Pearl tube needs to be open up in psp and then go to files export tube, give your tube a name and click ok). 2. HHairball tube can be found HERE. (You will need to do the same with this tube as you did with the snowflake tube). 3. My Selection files. Download HERE. (Note: If you do not have a selection folder created in psp, create one now and unzip these into the selections folder). 4. This pattern. Right click and save as bmp into your psp patterns folder. (Note: Make sure you save it as bmp file in your psp patters folder, otherwise it will not show up in your patters folder).
Lets Begin 1. Open a new 500 by 500 (16. 7 million colors) transparent image. 2. Selections, load from disk. Choose awreath.sel file. Click open. 3. Picture tube tool
4. Take your tube tool and begin placing tubes around your wreath selection. You can swirl in different directions for a different pattern for you wreath. (Note: If you continue to hold down your tube tool while placing tubes, the tube will continue as one tube). I know the color is bad, but don't worry will will fix that next! This is what mine looks like. 5. Colors, colorize. Use these settings. (This is just for the one shown in this tutorial, you may choose, of course, to select your own colorization for any color of wreath you want). 6. Selections, float. Selections, invert. 7. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow, use these settings. Color is black. 8. Selections, select none. 9. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer smbows. 10. Selections, load from disk. Choose smbows.sel. Click open. 11. Change your foreground color to pattern, choose D_gold fold. 12. Flood fill smbow selections with your gold pattern fill. 13. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow. Use these settings. Color is black. 14. Selections, select none. 15. Picture tube tool 16. Begin placing a pearl tube in the middle of each of your smbows similar to this. (Note: You can also place pearls on the actual wreath if you would like, in this tutorial I have not). 17. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer snowflakes. 18. Picture tube tool, locate your snowflake tube, using these settings. 19. Begin placing your snowflake tubes around your wreath. This is what mine looks like. 20. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow, use these settings. Color is black. 21. Layers, merge visible. Rename this layer wreath. 22. Layers, new raster layer, name this layer bow. (Note: I have provided several bows to be used for this tutorial if you wish, The one I have chosen to use for this tutorial is bow2. Feel free to use the other bows if you wish for different looks. This tutorial will show you how to create this bow using bow2). 23. Selections, load from disk, Choose bow2.sel. Click open. 24. Flood fill with your gold patter D_gold fold. 25. Selections, select none. 26. Magic wand 27. Make sure you are still on bow layer. Click on the insides of your bow using ctrl on your keyboard and making sure you get all the open spots of your bow. You should have your marching ants around all open parts of your bow. 28. While still selected, go to selections, modify expand by 1. 29. While also still selected add a new raster layer and name this layer fill. 30. Flood fill with your D_gold fold pattern. 31. Layers, arrange move down. (Note: This moves your fill layer to just below your bow, that's what we want). 32. Colors, adjust gamma correction, use these settings. (Note: You should still be on your fill layer). 33. Click ok. 34. Colors colorize. ( you can use the same settings you used for your wreath earlier in the tutorial, however, keep in mind it will be lighter than your wreath). I lowered my settings just a little to the screen shot shown below, but feel free to play with the settings to get a color you want). 35. Selections, select none. 36. Highlight your bow layer in your layer palette. 37. Effects, 3D effects, drop shadow, use these settings. 38. Layers, merge visible. Rename this layer wreath. You are now finished. You can tube the wreath or save it for later use.
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating it for you! As always, if something isn't clear or I have left something out, don't hesitate to email me at kitchel@isponline.net. I will answer all email as soon as possible. Thank you for trying my "Christmas Wreath" This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001