
Page 4


Now he needs some ears. So add a new layer and name this layer ears. Using our present shape tool locate the name eclipse as we have done before with our feet, Draw a small circle shape like this



Make sure your background color and foreground color are both black and your create vector is UNCHECKED! Once you have your right ear we need to edit copy edit paste as new layer and place this ear on the right hand side. You can merge these two layers as we have done before by placing an X on all layers except these two. I chose not to do this incase I want to move them layer. Its up to you:0)

Now These two layers if you chose NOT to merge them need to go behind your head layer. Your head should now look something similar to this



Starting to look cute now huh? LOL. Ok, now what we want to do is add some color to those cheeks. So make sure you are on your head layer and using your airbrush tool   using these settings

chose a light pink as your foreground color I have chosen #E5B4B4. Now just spray a little hint of color to where his cheeks would be . Make sure you are still on your head layer now and we want to add a mouth . So add new layer and name this layer mouth. Foreground and background color both are black. Using your present shapes tool with the heart 1 shape as we did for the head make a small heart shape for the nose like this


Place it at the bottom of the heart shape head like I have done here


Now we want to add the mouth.  For this we want to use the draw tool  using these settings


Draw you a line around the bottom of the heart shaped nose like this


Make sure you are still on your head layer and go to your present shape tool and chose burst  Create vector is NOT checked and foreground and background colors are both black. Now just draw you a little patch of hair and place it on the top of his head like shown here



Now for my little guy I added a couple teeth. This is optional if you don't want your to have teeth. But add a new layer if you chose to add teeth, Change your background color to white. Using your present shape once again with vector UNCHECKED I chose to use rectangle for my teeth so browse to find your rectangle shape and draw two small shaped teeth as shown here


Once you have two side by side place this layer below your head layer. And place them just under the nose like I have done here



Now you can merge all layers and tube him if you chose:0)) And for mine I have added some flower tubes but use your imagination and most of all have fun! I sure hope you have enjoyed this tutorial for Stinky! If something is unclear please email me at kitchel@webworkz.com and I will answer your email as soon as possible!
Thank you for trying my tutorial! Comments and suggestions are welcome! Thank you!

Bunney's Burrow


This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001