Bunney's Christmas Soldier Page 2 28. Layers new raster. Name this layer nose. 29. Foreground (styles) color #F6D2C4. Background color #F6D2C4. 30. Preset shapes tool 31. Draw a small circle shape for his nose. 32. Selections, select all. Selections float. 33. Effects, 3D effects, inner bevel. Use these settings. 34. Open layer palette and drag this layer below your cheek layer. 35. Layers, merge visible. Rename this layer face. Your image should now similar to this. 36. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer hat. 37. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color black. 38. Preset shapes tool. Rounded rectangle with these settings. 39. Draw a rounded rectangle on your soldiers head. Your image should look something like this. 40. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer hat front. 41. Preset shape ellipse. Starting on the left side bottom part of the hat, draw a small oblong oval shape for the soldiers hat front, ending at the right side of the hat bottom. This is what you should have now. 42. Layers, new raster layer. No need to name this layer. 43. Foreground white. Background null. 43. Using paintbrush tool with these settings, draw a line going down the center of your hat. 44. Effects, blur, gaussian blur use these settings. 45. Open layer palette, place an x on layer face. Layers, merge visible remaining layer and rename layer hat. 46. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer hat trim. 47. Foreground (styles) color white. Background color white. 48. Draw tool with these settings. (Make sure you change your line style to Ribbon).
49. Draw a line across the hat where the
top and middle join like this. (If you go over the sides of the hat use your
selection tool 50. Selections, select all. Selections float. 51. Effects, plug-in filters, blade pro. Choose D_silver shimmer.q9q (or a fill or preset of your choice). Click ok. 52. Selections, select none. 53. Open layer palette and place an x on face layer. Layers, merge visible. Rename this layer hat. Save your image! This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001