Bunney's Reindeer Tag Tutorial Page 2
Change your background color to a light color
for his antlers, I am using #F7F0EB. Using your preset shapes tool
Make sure create as vector IS checked. Draw a small rectangle
for your antler like this
Using your object selector tool
Now alternate beginning on the very first node on the
left leave it as is, then pull the next one up, next one goes down, next one
up ect. When you get to the last one it should go up. this is what you
should have
Now on each side of your antler we want to add two more nodes to each side like this
On ALL top nodes, going up or down right click on each
node and go to node type and chose symmetric, Do NOT do the nodes on the
sides this way, just the ones on top. Then take the arrows that are formed
when you do this and round them off. Take one of the new top
nodes on the side and bring it out do the same to the other side the second
node you created on the side bring those in on both sides. this is what you
should have
The antlers may take some practice so don't give up.
It took me a couple tries before I got on that I liked. It should look
similar to a cactus:0) Go to layers convert to raster and name this
layer antler once you get it the way you want it. Remember yours will not be
rotated yet, The image above shows it rotated. You need to do that after you
convert it to raster.
Go to effects, plug-in filters, Texture, texturizer and apply the same sandstone settings as before
Also go ahead and use your draw tool and draw the
stitches going around your antler. Once you get this done, go to edit copy
edit paste as new selection then image mirror, And place on the opposite
side of the reindeers head you may have to rotate it using your deformation
tool also to get it where you want it. This is what you should have now
Highlight your leg layer. Do not add a layer because we are going to create a vector and it creates its own layers Change your background color to black, Both foreground (styles) color and background colors should now be black.
Using your preset shapes tool
Down at the bottom of your reindeers leg draw a small circle
Using your object selector tool
Then go to layers convert to raster and name this
layer hoof. You will need to do the same thing for each leg. An easier way
to do it is to edit copy, edit paste as a new layer and rotate them so they
are on the bottom of the feet like this
Now highlight your head layer and add a new raster
layer name this layer nose. Change your background color to a dark red for
his nose. I am using #800000. Foreground (styles) color should still
be black. Now using your preset shapes tool once again using the ellipse
(circle) shape. Create as vector does NOT need to be checked. Draw a oval
shape for your reindeers nose like this
Go to effects, 3D effects, inner bevel and use these
Add a new raster layer and name this
layer cheeks, just flip your colors to where the red is now your foreground
color. Your background color is now black. Use your airbrush tool
Spray two cheeks on your reindeer like this
Set your background color back to the
color or your reindeer #BF896C, your foreground color will need to be black.
Use your draw tool
Draw the stitches for his mouth like this
Now all that's left is his eyes take
your airbrush tool
This is what you should have now
Now you can merge visible all layers and
then export as a tube for later use if you wish. I also added a bow and a
Merry Christmas to my reindeer, This is up to you. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as I have creating it. If something isn't clear or I have left something out please don't hesitate to email me at kitchel@isponline.net and I will answer all email as soon as possible. While you are here why not try my other tutorials? This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001