Bunney's Cute Little Frog
Tutorial Page 3...



Ok Lets give this little guy some character:0))
So you can go ahead an merge all your layers now..
So go to layers merge  visible... Rename this layer Frog LOL;))) Ok now go to your selection tool... We want to use these settings below..


Now we are going to use our selection tool to draw this little guy some eyes..
Go to layers add new layer and name this layer eyes..

Draw an eclipse in the top right hand corner you will have to use your own judgment on this one.. When you get it set to where you want it we want to flood fill it with white..

Now we need to add a little dept to his eye so go to image effects inner bevel using these settings..

Feel free to play around with these you might have something you would like better *G*


Click ok.. Now we need to add another smaller selection for the black in his eyes so go back to your selection tool and make a new selection on top of your white eye.. Flood fill this with black.. Now we need another eye:0) make sure you are on your eye layer and go to edit copy and edit paste as new selection and center the other eye where you want it:)) Now we need to mirror it so go to image mirror.. We now have eyes:0)



Now he needs a mouth..  Add a new layer.. Name this layer mouth. Now go to your draw tool

And use these settings in black..

 Now just draw you a mouth in any shape you would like..;)) This next part is optional.. But we can add the little hearts to our legs.. Now you can use one of your own or I have zipped them up here:0)) now just add these to his hind legs and you have your self a cute little frog.. You can now merge layers visible and export it as a tube or you can add more layers and create a scenery:))
I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial..


If I have left anything out of something is unclear to you please drop me a line at kitchel@webworkz.com  and I will answer you as soon as possible.. I do hope you enjoyed this tutorial:))


Bunney's Burrow

This Tutorial  © Bunney's Burrow  2001