Cute Little Frog
Ok Now we are going to add the frogs body. We need to add a new layer and name this layer frogs tummy. Now go to selections load from disk and chose frogtummy.sel.. Then go to selections modify expand by 2 once again and flood fill the outer-selection with black... Ok we need to move the front legs in front of our body so go to your layers palette and drag your frogs tummy layer just under your frogs front legs layer.. Like this...
That brings your legs to the front now.. Now we are going to add the head.. Make sure you are on your front legs layer and add new layer and name this layer frog head. Now flood fill this selection with the same green and go to selections modify expand by 2 once again and flood fill the outer section with black. He's really starting to take shape huh? lol.. This is what we should have at this point..
Now make sure you are on your frogs tummy layer and add new layer we are going to name this layer left foot... Now go to selections load from disk and chose frogfootleft.sel.. Flood fill this selection with the same green once again.. Now go to selections modify expand by 2 and flood fill the outer part with black..
Now make sure you are on your left foot layer and go to add new layer we want to name this layer right foot.. Now go to selections load from disk and chose the footright.sel... again flood fill with your green and do another selections modify expand by 2 and flood fill the outer -part of the selection with black.. Do a selections none.. We now have the outline of our frog..We want to merge these two layers together so make sure you put a red x in all other layers excluding the right and left frog feet.. Now layers merge visible and rename this layer frog feet.. You now should have this:0)
We now want to add our eyes and decorate him up a little bit so please go to next page..
This Tutorial ©
Burrow 2001