Baby Bottom Sweetie Page 2 38. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer left leg. 39. Selections load from disk. Choose leftleg.sel. 40. Flood fill with black. 41. Selections, modify contract by 2 (two). 42. Flood fill with #F1D4D3. 43. Selections float. 44. Effects 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. 45. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Change horizontal and vertical to -3 (minus three). 46. Open your layer palette and duplicate. Then image mirror. 47. Open your layer palette and highlight left your wing layer. Add a new raster layer and name this layer blanket 1. 48. Selections, load from disk. Choose blanket1.sel. 49. Change background color to #000080. 50. Flood fill with black. 51. Selections, modify, contract by 2 (two). 52. Flood fill with #000080. 53. Selections float. 54. Effects 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. 55. Effects 3D effects, cut out. Change vertical and horizontal to -1 (minus one). 56. Effects, noise add. Use these settings. 57. Selections, select none. 58. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer blanket 2. 59. Selections load from disk. Choose blanket2.sel. 60. Repeat steps 50-57. 61. Layers new raster layer. Name this layer blanket 3. 62. Selections, load from disk. Choose blanket3.sel. 63. Repeat steps 50-57. 64. Open layer palette and drag blanket 3 layer below blanket 1 layer. Your image should look similar to this. 65. Highlight wings layer. Add a new raster layer and name this layer hat. 66. Selections, load from disk. Choose hat.sel. 67. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color #C18C6F. Flood fill with black. 68. Selections, modify, contract by 2 (two). 69. Flood fill with #C18C6F. 70. Selections float. 71. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. 72. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Change vertical and horizontal to -2 (minus two). 73. Effects, plug-in filters, eye candy 4000, weave. Use these settings. (Eye candy 4000 is optional. You can use the weave effect in psp. Or try using Eye candy 3.01). 74. Effects, plug-in filters, eye candy 4000, weave. Use same settings as shown above. (The hat has two weave effects applied so that it has more depth). 75. Selections, select none. 76. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer innerhat. 77. Selections, load from disk. Choose innerhat.sel. 78. Repeat steps 67-75. 79. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer ribbon. 80. Selections load from disk. Choose ribbon.sel. 81. Foreground (styles) color black. Background color #000080. Flood fill with black. 82. Selections, modify contract by 2 (two). 83. Flood fill with #000080. 84. Selections float. 85. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. 86. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Change vertical and horizontal to -2 (minus two). 87. Selections, select none. 88. Add a new raster layer, name this layer ribbon middle. 89. Selections, load from disk, choose ribbonmiddle.sel. 90. Flood fill with black. 91. Selections, modify contract by 2 (two). 92. Flood fill with #000080. 93. Effects, 3D effects, cut out. Use these settings. 94. Effects 3D effects, cut out. Change vertical and horizontal to -1 (minus one). 95. Selections, select none. 96. Layers, new raster layer. Name this layer ribbon right. 97. Repeat steps 90-95. 98. Duplicate layer in layer palette. Image mirror. 99. Layers new raster layer. Name this layer ribbon bottom. 100. Selections load from disk. Choose ribbonbottom.sel. 101. Repeat steps 90-95. 102. Open layer palette and drag this layer below ribbon middle layer. 103. Duplicate this layer in your layer palette. Then image mirror. Your image should now look similar to this. Just a gentle reminder, Don't forget to save! This Tutorial ©
Bunney's Burrow 2001